Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Small Attempt to Get up to Date

After a fairly long absence, I have returned back to this endeavor. What an interesting turn of events the United States, Wisconsin, and the Milwaukee area has witnessed…

1) The beast of “Obamacare” was shot, bruised, maimed, and yet slogged on to passage without ANY Republican support. At least it is on the heads of the Democrats. They could not even get Olympia Snowe...

2) The TEA Parties have gone from small smatterings to a nationwide movement of more than just disgruntled conservatives. A concise way of stating the motivating factor behind these (pay attention, columnists who refuse to acknowledge the obvious) is to reinforce the concept of representatives truly representing the will of their constituents.

3) The Stimulus apparently was not enough, so there is a perceived necessity for a second one. Was the first one not guaranteed to keep the unemployment level under 9%...we have since gone over 10%.

4) The Wisconsin governor’s race has gained a bit of clarity. Scott Walker is the most likely to win at this point, but Mayor Tom Barrett has yet to get his people in line after which the campaign will truly get going. Mark Neumann apparently is bringing private sector experience into his campaign (as is his mantra), but has resorted to throwing an ill-reasoned attacks at Walker and appealing toward national issues.

5) Russ Feingold has appeared at listening sessions to discuss the concerns he has with the financial liabilities his constituency will have given the recent trouble with the last several budgets…then has gone back to Washington to vote for an increase in the debt ceiling, for Obamacare, and for Cap & Trade. Some Maverick…

6) A staggering number of infants and toddlers that have died as a result of incidents related to co-sleeping. When will it dawn on parents in the Milwaukee area that collapsing their drunken, elephantine bodies into bed along with their child could lead to a disastrous conclusion?

7) Scott Brown won the Massachusetts Senate seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy. Not only did a Republican win that seat, but a true fiscal conservative won that seat. His signatures leading up the election included the number “41” to indicate that he would be the 41st vote to kill Obamacare in the Senate.

8) Wisconsin needs an actual candidate besides Dave “I-am-going-to-stop-raising-money-and-sell-orange-shirts-instead” Westlake, Terrence “I-could-not-get-elected-to-the-Maple-Bluff-village-board-and-have-not-paid-income-taxes-in-9-of-the-last-10-years-despite-being-a-millionaire” Wall, or Dick "I-worked-for-Jim-Doyle" Leinenkugel to run against Russ “I’m-not-listening-to-you” Feingold.

9) Herb Kohl has roused from his naps occasionally to update his digital newsletter. Remember that line from Office Space: “What would you say…you do here?”

10) It is now illegal for Wisconsin’s public schools to teach abstinence-only education if they opt to teach sex education. This ought to really help the increasing levels of teenage pregnancies…as kids are not told “no” in public schools.